The Knowledge Base is continuously updated. For additional resources, please join the certification program.
Table of Contents

Resources from the E.L. Niño Bee Lab
Visit our parent lab's website resources page for more great links to beekeeping information and research.
Additional Useful Resources
- 1st and 2nd Year Backyard Beekeeping- Northern California
- 1st and 2nd Year Backyard Beekeeping- Southern California
- Beekeeping Best Practices
- Gardening for Bees - What to Plant from Christine Casey, PhD
- Water Sources for Bees, Christine Casey, PhD
- Exotic Bee ID
- Protecting Pollinators
- Bee Watching Resources
- Entomology Department Blog: Bug Squad
- Varroa Destructor Featured Creature University of Florida ANNOTATED 2021
- Shifts in honeybee foraging reveal historical changes in floral resources
- Honey bee foraged pollen reveals temporal changes in pollen protein content and changes in forager choice for abundant versus high protein flowers
- Honey Bee Awareness day!
- A "Food Systems Thinking" Roadmap by Michael Roberts, UCLA