Event Date
BROODMINDER: Apiary Technology and Honey Bee Health
Explore how apiary technology aids in management of bees, production of bee products, and bee research. Learn the details about Broodminder and how this system has been valuable to the beekeepers at the CAMBP extension hub in Orange County.
Lecture modules will cover:
- What is Broodminder and how to set it up in your apiary
- Why the CAMBP OC extension hub uses it and how it works
- How the data collected supports honey bee health - interpreting and storing data
- The overall benefits of using technology in your apiary.
Meet Your Instructor:
Benoit Pouliquien, CAMBP beekeeper and Technical Specialist at the CAMBP OC extension hub, has installed, upgraded and currently operates the Broodminder system at the extension hub in Orange County.
Broodminder is one of many systems available to use in an apiary. The CAMBP does not endorse any one specific product. This online class is an overview of how data, in this case from Broodminder, can be used a tool to enhance your beekeeping knowledge. This is NOT a product endorsement.