Karine Pouliquen, MAg. Hort.

Karine Pouliquen head shot

Position Title
CAMBP OC Bee Team Extension Hub Lead Volunteer and Education Specialist

CAMBP OC - South Coast Research and Extension Center, 7601 Irvine Blvd, Irvine CA 92618

Karine has a B.A. in Education (French/Geography). While working on her master’s degree in Horticulture/Agriculture at the University of Minnesota she worked in Dr. Marla Spivak's lab, researching the impact and effects of neonicotinoids on honey bee queens and bumble bees on their laying patterns and activities, and the overall consequences on the brood, and survival of the colonies. In July 2020, Karine became the CAMBP OC Bee Team lead under the direction of Dr. Elina Niño, the CAMBP founder.  The CAMBP Orange County Bee Team is an active, service-oriented group of volunteers who meet weekly to care for the CAMBP satellite apiary, and provide education and outreach to the public on science-based beekeeping and honey bee health.